This page offers a variety of basic information about the University of Protestant Church Music Bayreuth and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
The University of Protestant Church Music Bayreuth is located in the federal state Bavaria. It is a state-recognized church institution. The university was founded in 1948.
Related link:
Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth




University of Protestant Church Music Bayreuth

The university has the following address:
Hochschule und Institut für ev. Kirchenmusik Bayreuth
Wilhelminenstr. 9
D-95444 Bayreuth
Hochschule und Institut für ev. Kirchenmusik Bayreuth
Wilhelminenstr. 9
D-95444 Bayreuth
Courses of Studies
The university offers the following course of studies:
- B-Ausbildung (B training)
- C-Ausbildung (C training)
- Aufbaustudium (postgraduate studies)
- A-Ausbildung (A training)
- Gaststudium (guest studies)
- Kontaktstudium (refresher courses)
Canteens and cafeterias
The canteens and cafeterias offer a varying and diverse range of dishes.
Related links:
Related links:
The Studentenwerk Oberfranken supports students with all issues related to their studies. It offers services for financial matters, social life, accommodation, culture, and food services.
Related link:
Related link:
Student representation
The student represenatives are defending the interests of students on the university level. They are the voice of the students in talks with the university administration or the public. In addition to political and social issues the representation deals with cultural matters.
The student representation in Bayreuth is the "Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss" (AStA).
Contact via e-mail:
The student representation in Bayreuth is the "Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss" (AStA).
Contact via e-mail:
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