This page offers a variety of basic information about International University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Calw and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
The International University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Calw was founded in 1994 as a continuing education academy. The private, non-profit university focuses on cultural, social and economic sciences.
Related link:
Internationale Hochschule Calw




International University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Calw

Courses of Studies
The list below shows all courses of studies and certified training courses.
Undergraduate courses of studies (Bachelor programmes):
Graduate courses of studies (Masters programmes):
Certified training courses:
Undergraduate courses of studies (Bachelor programmes):
Graduate courses of studies (Masters programmes):
- Innovative Veränderungsprozesse (Coaching und Systementwicklung) (innovative changing processes (coaching and consulting))
- Intermediale Kunsttherapie (intermedial expressive arts therapy)
- Tourismus und Gesundheit (tourism and health management)
Certified training courses:
The events of the International University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Calw take place in different facilities of the "Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen".
Related link:
Related link:
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