This page offers a variety of basic information about Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
The Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern is a church-based university, which is supported by the medal of the Salesianer Don Bosco. The university will be closed down after the summer semester 2013, which is the reason for not accepting any new students for the degree program catholic theology.
Related links:
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Benediktbeuern




Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern

Student counselling
The student advisory service of the Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern is the contact point for prospective and enrolled students. It helps solving all questions related to studying in Benediktbeuern.
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An institute is a division within the university that contains one or several study subjects.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Philosophical-Theological University of Benediktbeuern.
- Institut für Philosophie (philosophy)
- Institut für biblische und historische Theologie (biblical and historical theology)
- Institut für systematische Theologie (systematic theology)
- Institut für praktische Theologie mit Schwerpunkt Jugendpastoral (practical theology with major in youth pastor)
- Institut für salesianische Spiritualität (Salesianian spirituality)
- Jugendpastoralinstitut (youth pastor)
The headquarters of the university is at the monastery Benediktbeuern
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Student representation
The student represenatives are defending the interests of students on the university level. They are the voice of the students in talks with the university administration or the public. In addition to political and social issues the representation deals with cultural matters.
The student representation in Benediktbeuern is the "Studentische Konvent".
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The student representation in Benediktbeuern is the "Studentische Konvent".
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The "Bibliothek der PTH Benediktbeuern" is the library of the university and offers literature and research advice.
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