This page offers a variety of basic information about the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
Founded in 1962 the Ruhr University Bochum is among Germany's ten largest universities, hosting more than 30,000 students. It also is one of the universities with the highest research funding, ranking second on the list of the German Research Foundation's 'special research areas'.
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Ruhr-Universität Bochum




Ruhr University Bochum

International services
The International Office is responsible for foreign students and the university's international partnerships.
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Student counselling
The student service of the Ruhr University Bochum is the contact point for prospective and enrolled students. It helps solving all questions related to studying in Bochum.
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Faculties and student councils
A faculty ("Fakultät") is a division within the university that contains one or several study subjects.
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Ruhr University Bochum and the corresponding student councils.
Engineering sciences
Natural sciences
Student councils:
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Ruhr University Bochum and the corresponding student councils.
- Evangelisch-Theologische
Fakultät (protestant theology)
- Katholisch-Theologische
Fakultät (catholic theology)
- Fakultät
für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft (philosophy and educational research)
- Fakultät
für Geschichtswissenschaft (history)
- Fakultät
für Philologie (philology)
- Juristische
Fakultät (law)
- Fakultät
für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (economics)
- Fakultät
für Sozialwissenschaft (social science)
- Fakultät
für Ostasienwissenschaften (East Asian Studies)
- Fakultät
für Sportwissenschaft (sport science)
- Fakultät
für Psychologie (psychology)
Engineering sciences
- Fakultät
für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften (civil and environmental engineering)
- Fakultät
für Maschinenbau (mechanical engineering)
- Fakultät
für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (electrical engineering and information technology)
Natural sciences
- Fakultät
für Mathematik (mathematics)
- Fakultät
für Physik und Astronomie (physics and astronomy)
- Fakultät
für Geowissenschaften (geosciences)
- Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie (chemistry and biochemistry)
- Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie (biology and biotechnology)
Student councils:
- Fachschaft Angewandte Informatik (applied computer science)
- Fachschaft Anglistik (English studies)
- Fachschaft Archäologische Wissenschaften (archaeological studies)
- Fachschaft Bauingenieurwesen (civil engineering)
- Fachschaft Biologie (biology)
- Fachschaft Chemie/Biochemie (chemistry/biochemistry)
- Fachschaft Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik / IT-Sicherheit (electrical engineering & information technology / IT security)
- Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft (pedagogy)
- Fachschaft Europäische Kultur und Wirtschaft (European culture and economics)
- Fachschaft Evangelische Theologie (protestant theology)
- Fachschaft Gender Studies
- Fachschaft Geographie (geography)
- Fachschaft Geologie, Mineralogie, Geophysik (geology, mineral science, geophysics)
- Fachschaft Germanistik (German studies)
- Fachschaft Geschichte (history)
- Fachschaft Jura (law)
- Fachschaft Katholische Theologie (catholic theology)
- Fachschaft Klassische Philologie (classical philology)
- Fachschaft Komparatistik (comparative studies)
- Fachschaft Kunstgeschichte (art history)
- Fachschaft Linguistik (linguistics)
- Fachschaft Maschinenbau (mechanical engineering)
- Fachschaft Mathematik (mathematics)
- Fachschaft Medienwissenschaft (media science)
- Fachschaft Medizin (medicine)
- Fachschaft Orientalistik (Oriental studies)
- Fachschaft Ostasienwissenschaften (East Asian studies)
- Fachschaft Philosophie (philosophy)
- Fachschaft Physik und Astronomie (physics and astronomy)
- Fachschaft Psychologie (psychology)
- Fachschaft Religionswissenschaft (theology)
- Fachschaft Romanistik (Roman studies)
- Fachschaft Sales Engineering and Product Management
- Fachschaft Slavistik (Slavic studies)
- Fachschaft Sozialwissenschaft (social science)
- Fachschaft Sport
- Fachschaft Sprachlehrforschung (language teaching research)
- Fachschaft Theaterwissenschaft (theatrical studies)
- Fachschaft Umwelttechnik und Ressourcenmanagement (environmental technology and resource management)
- Fachschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaft (business and economics)
The Ruhr University Bochum is based to the north of the "Ruhrtals" and the "Kemnader See". The campus is known for its short distances, while the neighbouring cities are also only a few minutes away.
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Canteens and cafeterias
The canteens, cafeterias coffee bars and bistros of and around Bochum University offer a varying and diverse range of dishes.
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Akademisches Förderungswerk
The "Akademische Förderungswerk" supports students in all issues related to their studies. It offers services for financial matters, social life, accommodation, culture, and food services.
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Student representation
The student represenatives are defending the interests of students on the university level. They are the voice of the students in talks with the university administration or the public. In addition to political and social issues the representation deals with cultural matters.
The student representation in Bochum is the "Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss" (AStA).
Related link:
The student representation in Bochum is the "Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss" (AStA).
Related link:
The "Universitätsbibliothek" is the library of the RUB offers literature and research advice.
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IT service
Within the university the IT service is the first contact for questions about data processing and electronic communication. At the Ruhr University Bochum it is provided by the "Rechenzentrum" (RZ).
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Related link:
University sport
The "Hochschulsport Bochum" offers numerous sport activities for students such as badminton, Hatha Yoga, stand up puddle surfing or Ultimate.
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