This page offers a variety of basic information about the Philipps University Marburg and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
Named after its founder, landgrave Philipp the Magnanimous, the University of Marburg already exists for over five hundred years. Constantly growing over time the university today has more than 21,000 students, who make up a quarter of the city's overall population. The range of study subjects covers the natural sciences, the humanities and social sciences. Apart from its academic wealth Marburg University also offers a diverse university sport programme.
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Philipps-Universität Marburg
Philipps University Marburg
International services
The International Office is responsible for foreign students and the university's international partnerships.
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Student counselling
The student service at the Philipps University is the contact point for prospective and enrolled students. It helps solving all questions related to studying in Marburg.
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Faculties and student councils
A faculty ("Fakultät") is a division within the university that contains one or several study subjects.
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of Marburg University and the corresponding student councils.
FB 01 - Rechtswissenschaften (law)
FB 02 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften (business administration and economics)
FB 03 - Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie (social sciences and philosophy)
FB 04 - Psychologie (psychology)
FB 05 - Evangelische Theologie (protestant theology)
FB 06 - Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften (history and cultural studies)
FB 09 - Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften (German Studies and history of the arts)
FB 10 - Fremdsprachliche Philologien (foreign languages and cultures)
FB 12 - Mathematik und Informatik (mathematics and computer science)
FB 13 - Physik (physics)
FB 15 - Chemie (chemistry)
FB 16: Pharmazie (pharmacy)
FB 17 - Biologie (biology)
FB 19 - Geographie (geography)
FB 20 - Medizin (medicine)
FB 21 - Erziehungswissenschaften (education)
Fachübergreifende Fachschaft Forum Lehramt (interdisciplinary student council for teacher training)
Fachschaft Katholische Theologie (catholic theology)
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of Marburg University and the corresponding student councils.
FB 01 - Rechtswissenschaften (law)
FB 02 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften (business administration and economics)
FB 03 - Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie (social sciences and philosophy)
- Fachschaftsrat 03
- Aktive Fachschaft Philosophie (philosophy)
- Aktive Fachschaft Politikwissenschaften (political science)
- Aktive Fachschaft Soziologie (sociology)
- Linke Fachschaft 03
- Fachschaft Friedens & Konfliktforschung (peace and conflict research)
- Fachschaft Vergleichende Kultur- & Religionswissenschaften (religious science)
FB 04 - Psychologie (psychology)
FB 05 - Evangelische Theologie (protestant theology)
FB 06 - Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften (history and cultural studies)
FB 09 - Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften (German Studies and history of the arts)
- Fachschaft Germanisitk und Medien (German studies and media)
- Fachschaft Kunst, Musik und Medien (art, music, media)
- Fachschaft Kunstgeschichte (art history)
- Fachschaft Bildende Kunst (fine arts)
FB 10 - Fremdsprachliche Philologien (foreign languages and cultures)
- Fachschaft Fremdsprachliche Philologien (philology)
- Fachschaft Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studie (Near and Middle East studies)
FB 12 - Mathematik und Informatik (mathematics and computer science)
FB 13 - Physik (physics)
FB 15 - Chemie (chemistry)
FB 16: Pharmazie (pharmacy)
FB 17 - Biologie (biology)
FB 19 - Geographie (geography)
FB 20 - Medizin (medicine)
- Fachschaft Humanmedizin (human medicine)
- Fachschaft Zahnmedizin (dental medicine)
- Fachschaft Humanbiologie/ Biomedical Science (human biology)
FB 21 - Erziehungswissenschaften (education)
- Fachschaft Pädagogik (pedagogy)
- Fachschaft Schulpädagogik (school pedagogy)
- Fachschaft Sport
- Fachschat Motologie
Fachübergreifende Fachschaft Forum Lehramt (interdisciplinary student council for teacher training)
Fachschaft Katholische Theologie (catholic theology)
The Philipps University has sites in Renthof and Lahnbergen in Marburg.
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Canteens and cafeterias
The canteens Erlenring and Lahnberge, the bistro Philipps and the cafeteria Lahnberge offer a varying and diverse range of dishes.
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The "Studentenwerk Marburg" supports students in all issues related to their studies. It offers services for financial matters, social life, accommodation, culture, and food services.
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Student representation
The student represenatives are defending the interests of students on the university level. They are the voice of the students in talks with the university administration or the public. In addition to political and social issues the representation deals with cultural matters.
The student representation in Marburg is the "allgemeine Studienrenden-Ausschuss" of the Philipps University (AStA).
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The student representation in Marburg is the "allgemeine Studienrenden-Ausschuss" of the Philipps University (AStA).
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The libraries of the university offer literature and research advice.
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IT service
Within the university the IT service is the first contact for questions about data processing and electronic communication. At the University of Marburg it is offered by the "Hochschulrechenzentrum" (HRZ).
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University sport
The "Hochschulsport Marburg" offers numerous sport activities for students.
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