This page offers a variety of basic information about Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
The Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics is a private university with approx. 600 students. The focus of the university lies on masters porgrammes which can be taken parallel to the apprenticeship of the students, especially in economical fields.
Related links:
Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr




Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics

Student counselling
The student advisory service of the Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics is the contact point for prospective and enrolled students. It helps solving all questions related to studying in Lahr.
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A chair ("Lehrstuhl") is a division within the university that contains a partial science of the subject.
The list below contains links to the chair of Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics.
The list below contains links to the chair of Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics.
- Allg. BWL / Controlling (business administration/controlling)
- Allg. BWL / Finance and Banking (business administration/finance and banking)
- Allg. BWL / Marketing (business administration/marketing)
- Allg. BWL / Personalmanagement und Organisation (business administration/personnel management and organisation)
- Allg. BWL / Externes Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung (business administration/ external accounting and auditing)
- Volkswirtschaftslehre / Versicherungs- und Gesundheitsökonomik (economics/insurance and health economics)
- Wirtschaftspädagogik (economic education)
The Lahr Graduate School of Business and Economics is located at the former Canadian armed forces quarter in Germany.
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The "Bibliothek der WHL" is the library of the university and offers literature and research advice.
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