This page offers a variety of basic information about the Humboldt University of Berlin and links to the external websites of the respective institutions.
The Humboldt University of Berlin is the oldest and second largest university of Berlin regarding their school enrolment. The university was founded on August, 16 1809 on the initiative of the liberal Prussian education reformer and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt. The university is state-owned. It is a traditional comprehensive university with 261 courses of studies. Today, approx. 30.000 students are enrolled at the university.
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




Humboldt University of Berlin
International service
The international office is responsible for foreign students and the university's international partnerships.
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Student counselling
The student advisory service of the Humboldt University of Berlin is the contact point for prospective and enrolled students. It helps solving all questions related to studying in Berlin.
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Faculties and student councils
A faculty ("Fakultät") is a division within the university that contains one or several study subjects.
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Humboldt University of Berlin and the corresponding student councils.
Student councils:
Student councils ("Fachschaften") are organizations for the representation of interests of students by students. One student council usually represents a single faculty or one subject.
The list below contains links to the faculties of the Humboldt University of Berlin and the corresponding student councils.
- Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I (mathematics and natural sciences I)
- Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II (mathematics adn natural sciences II)
- Philosophische Fakultät I (arts and humanities I)
- Philosophische Fakultät II (arts and humanities II)
- Philosophische Fakultät III (arts and humanities III)
- Philosophische Fakultät IV (arts and humanities IV)
- Theologische Fakultät (theology)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (economics and business administration)
- Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (medicine)
Student councils:
The university has not a coherent compact campus. The majority of the arts and humanities faculties is located in the centre of Berlin ("Campus Mitte"), spread among the headquarters of the university. The facilities at the Luisen-, Philipp- and Invalidenstraße as well as the Charité are considered together as the "Campus Nord". The faculties of mathematics and natural sciences are at the location for business and science Berlin Adlershof.
Campus Mitte
Unter den Linden 6
10117 Berlin
Campus Nord
Luisenstraße 56
10099 Berlin
Campus Adlershof
Rudower Chaussee 26
12489 Berlin
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Campus Mitte
Unter den Linden 6
10117 Berlin
Campus Nord
Luisenstraße 56
10099 Berlin
Campus Adlershof
Rudower Chaussee 26
12489 Berlin
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Canteens and cafeterias
The university has seven canteens and cafeterias, which are conducted by the Studentenwerk Berlin. The following dishes are available on a daily basis at the canteens: one or two soups, one or two starter, three main dishes, a large selection of side dishes, miscellaneous types of vegetables, a wide offer of fruits and desserts and partly a pasta or "front cooking" stand.
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The Studentenwerk Berlin supports students with all issues related to their studies. It offers services for financial matters, social life, accommodation, culture, and food services.
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Student representation
The student represenatives are defending the interests of students on the university level. They are the voice of the students in talks with the university administration or the public. In addition to political and social issues the representation deals with cultural matters.
The student representation in Berlin is the "Referent_innenRat"(RefRat).
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The student representation in Berlin is the "Referent_innenRat"(RefRat).
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The "Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin" is the library of the university and offers literature and research advice. The "Universitätsbibliothek" has twelve locations and miscellaneous branch libraries.
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Within the university the IT service is the first contact for questions about data processing and electronic communication.
At the Humboldt University of Berlin it is offered by the "Computer- und Medienservice" (cms).
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At the Humboldt University of Berlin it is offered by the "Computer- und Medienservice" (cms).
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University sport
The university sport offers numerous sport activities for students such as aqua fitness, fencing, rugby or thai kick bo.
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